Song of Songs Quiz:
A Free Sex Quiz for Christian Couples

You do the quiz, your partner does the quiz, then common interests and improvements are shown on the results page.

A simple, free, secure and private online quiz aimed to improve the intimacy and sexual satisfaction for married Christian couples. This tool, designed with the assistance of sexologists, Christian marriage counsellors and church leaders, strives to follow biblical principles whilst accommodating Christians of different denominations and couples with different backgrounds through a customisable quiz design. Church leaders, counsellors and other leaders can also create a question preset and share a unique link with their audience. There are currently 182 questions spanning 12 categories, making the quiz one of the biggest of its kind!

What the congregation is saying:

Preset: Foreplay 💋 💃

This preset has been used 13 times.

How it works expand accordioncollapse accordion

Step 1 Read the below terms first to make sure the quiz is right for you

Step 2 Choose how you would like to take the quiz using 1 of the 4 options.

Step 3 The husband does the quiz in private.

Step 4 The wife does the exact same quiz in private.

Step 5 A results screen will show with any answers that matched.

Step 6 Get jiggy with it 😉

To begin the quiz, first agree to these terms

Please check the checkbox to all terms that apply. If you can’t check all checkboxes, it is not recommended to take the quiz at this time.

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless."

There are 4 different ways to take the quiz because every couple is different!

It is recommended doing the the quiz based on what is appropriate for you and your partner using the level system:

  • Level 1 is for getting started and covers things like communication, intimacy and some foreplay items.
  • Level 2 covers more standard ‘run-of-the-mill’ sex positions and kinks.
  • Level 3 covers more advanced sexual topics like BDSM, toys and butt play.

Even if level 3 is right for you, it is still a good idea to start from level 1 so you can cover all the questions. If you are unsure what level is appropriate for you, it is recommended taking the quick quiz here which will tell you what level you can work up to. Or alternatively you may wish to work with a Christian marriage counsellor to work through the quiz with you and your partner.

It can’t be emphasised enough that the levels are not an indication of how advanced or great you are as a couple! There are many married Christian couples who are happy and content with level 1 or just doing a couple of things, and that is fine. This is not a competition; it is all about what works for each couple. The level system is recommended because it exposes couples to content that is appropriate and relevant to them.

If you have come here before, you may wish to try some of the popular presets which are based on categories or popular combinations. Just click one of the buttons below.

You or your partner may wish to review the questions first before you both do the quiz. You can do this by selecting “I would like to review the questions first…”  for the review question in the form below. Or alternatively a Christian marriage counsellor or church leader can review the questions and then send you a preset link.

If you have the time and you are both open to advanced sexual topics, you can do all 182 questions by selecting “I know the quiz…” for the review question in the form below.

Alright, let's get jiggy with it! Join the 641 married Christian couples who have helped to improve their sex lives.

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If you would like to receive an email with your quiz and results link, please enter your email addresses. This can be easier than sending the links to each other.